Friday, March 23, 2007

Venture Crew 1882 Judo Kai

(Formerly Post 1882 BSA Judo-Kai)

This program is dedicated to Sensei Walter Ing: Rokudan, 6th Degree. Advisor to the Venture Crew 1882 BSA Judo Kai group. He will be truly missed. Rest In Peace Sensei Ing.

We are a Boy Scouts of America group, teaching the Youth 14 through 21 years of age and Adults. Although it is part of the "Boy Scouts of America", we also have girls and women involved in our club because Venture Crews are Co-Ed. We extend instruction to the competitive and non-competitive Judo participant; teaching the techniques that Judo Founder Professor Jigoro Kano had taught to his students at the Kodokan University - Headquarters to the Judo World!What is Judo?Judo - Founded in 1882 by Professor Jigoro Kano, Judo is a self-defense derived from the ancient forms of Jiu-Jitsu. Judo uses leverage against a larger individual. Professor Kano being smaller in stature gracefully subdued his opponents with great ease with a well performed throw. Throwing an opponent or using a diversionary technique with leverage and pinning them to the ground are some of the functions of this style. Today, Judo is used as a competitive sport as well as a great self defense method and is universal throughout the world. It is also an Olympic Sport.

Why Judo?
We handle situations in a very effective and safe manner. Through application of the “Gentle Art” techniques, such as throwing, grappling and using leverage to subdue an opponent, rather than punching and kicking.
This program is specifically designed for youth and adults that are interested in avoiding confrontation and becoming competent enough to control self defense situations. Anyone can learn to defend themselves against an attacker, with a few well performed techniques. You would be surprised to know what is more effective than what you might already know.
Self Defense Judo is one benefit of the study of Judo. Competition Judo in schools, colleges, etc., is also popular worldwide. Judo is also a great compliment to wrestling in the off season.

Never Miss Practice
Maximum Efficiency, Minimum Effort
Mutual Benefit

The above applies to work, school, and Dojo.

Why should you consider a program like this for you or your child?

1.Confidence – You will feel the confidence you need to take care of yourself, if a problem arises. You do not have to be afraid to defend yourself.
2. Strength – Strength that you never knew you had. You will be working and toning muscles that you had never worked before, while learning valuable techniques to get out of any combative situation.
3. Knowledge - They say even a little knowledge is power. You have the power to control your environment and your being; even with just a little knowledge.
4. Power – You will have the empowerment to control your own destiny.
5. Techniques - You will learn valuable techniques to deflect an attack from standing position or from the ground. You will learn throws, grappling pins, escapes, (chokes & arm bars for advanced players). Situational techniques will be taught for avoiding an attack; and Japanese terminology is studied to help understand what you are learning.

What will be taught IN class:

Ukemi – These exercises teach the student preparation for falling without injury. The student will learn to fall effortlessly to the back, side and front. They will also be taught roll outs to fall and regain an upright position. Ukemi exercises produce great body conditioning for endurance, strength and speed.

Techniques – Standing techniques and ground techniques will be shown and taught to students. The precision of the techniques makes for safe and effortless execution.

Application – Once good techniques are learned they are applied in one on one scrimmaging, known as Randori.

Meditation – Before and after class time is allocated for mental preparation and development.

**For more information please Contact:

Sensei Benny Jordan at (631) 846-7867
Sensei Bob Geick - Long Island Bujutsu Academy:
Sensei Cliff Wolf at

For Women's Jujitsu/Judo or Women's Self Defense - Please contact Maria DiDio at - Her website:


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